Choppy Sea
I tried to chop the sea in two, a half for me a half for you, but by the time I’d cut it so I felt so sad, my tears would flow. That’s why the sea (as you can see) is not in two but now in three. — I know, I know – it’s…
Fire Eyes – a Palaeolithic adventure
Deep in the distant dark the stick-fire dances as the boy watches. The stick-fire is old — three clans old. The Hill clan stole it from the Sea clan who stole it from the Wolf clan who, so the story goes, stole it from the sky. And tonight it will belong to the Tree clan.…
Not In School Today
Miss, my twin is antimatter, he’s quite like me but maybe fatter. So you should know when he’s around I can’t be seen, I can’t be found. For if we meet, like say at school, there is a chain reaction rule I’d not have chance to even shout before we two would cancel out and…
What Are Peas?
Any regular reader of my website will know that I love poetry. I love all forms of writing but poetry (and short stories) are my absolute favourites). I love trying out new rhythms or styles with poetry and so I wanted to share one of the terms I enjoy – the kenning. A kenning is…
At The End Of The Year – school poem
At the end of the year: throw hats in the air. At the end of the year: have no worry or care. At the end of the year: just run out to play. At the end of the year: find an endless day. At the end of the year: your lessons are done. At the…
The Salmon
The salmon in the river had a fondness to be tickled, but it really drew a line at being caught and gently pickled. —
today: more light than night more sun more fun more blue more new more time to shine let’s play today — This is a solstice poem for the Summer Solstice. That means the day is longer than the night for us in the Northern Hemisphere. If you were in the Southern Hemisphere, you’d have to…
The Fire Dragon
Walter and Bernie were twin dragons.They were alike in every way except one: for whilst Bernie could breathe fire, Walter could not. “We’re dragons,” said Bernie. “And dragons breathe fire.” Walter thought his sister was the best thing since burnt toast and wanted to please her but, try as he might, Walter could not breathe…
What Am I?
What am I? I am liquid gold smelting in a fiery shell. What am I? I am a tree jewel in a orchard cave. What am I? I am the ocean at sunrise rippling within a spider’s web. What am I? I am the blink of a flame in a quick-closed eye. What am I?…
Cloud Painters
I think it’s the birds who paint clouds in the sky, but I wish they’d take care and not SPLAT in my eye. —