Advice to artists


If you see a piece of paper and think “what shall I do?”
Imagine it now as a small piece of you.
Where would you go and what would you see?
Think “what would you be, if you were like me”.

Would you fill it with monsters, or stories of space?
Or would you rather it wore a more dignified face?
Would you dress it in blue like the sea or the sky,
Or drip it some red like a sweet cherry pie?

Would take it for walks through forests of green,
And look for the creatures who’d rather be seen
By the light of the night, by the light of La Lune,
Who draws them all out with her milky-white tune.

And though this soft midnight song won’t stay there for long
It will sing from the thing at which you now stare
As you wonder just what, just what should go there.

Illustration courtesy of, and copyright, Dave Kirkwood. Follow him on Twitter.